Gullubag HEPP is located approximately 6 km northeast of the İspir district of Erzurum province, Türkiye, on the Çoruh River.
It has been operated by Senerji Enerji Üretim A.Ş. for electricity generation since 23.03.2012. With its installed power of 96
MW built on 3 vertical Francis turbines of 3x32 MW, it is ranked the largest hydroelectric power plant in Türkiye and the 3rd-largest
in Erzurum. Gullubag Dam & HEPP is capable of meeting all the daily electrical energy needs of around 50,000 people for housing, industry,
metro transportation, and environmental lighting. It also generates electricity to meet the electricity needs of around 60,000 houses.
Since its commissioning, the HEPP has generated 2.257.301.000 kWh of energy.